How We Evaluate Financing Equipment To Grow A Larger Company

Apr 20, 2023

Let’s talk about financing…

Everyone has their own opinion on financing. Some people think it’s a good idea, while others think it’s not. There are so many questions around financing… When is financing a good option? What should you finance? What is a good interest rate? When should you think about paying off the loan? The questions go on and on.

My opinion is that financing is out there to alleviate the bottleneck of growing your business.

Let’s say you need a new mower and the mower you’re looking at costs $10,000. You can finance that mower at a 0% interest rate for 42 months, which would make your monthly payment less than $250. That mower that you are paying $250 a month for should now be able to bring in $2,500 a week in revenue since it is far more efficient than your previous mower. That would mean in an average month you’d be bringing in $10,000 on a $250 investment.

Now you might be thinking, why would I finance when I have...

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Pursuing Progress Not Perfection - How We Can Set SMART Goals To Achieve Success

Apr 13, 2023

Accomplishing any business goal requires the pursuit of progress not perfection. You don’t have to be the best, you just need to make it happen. I want you to think about what you want this year to look like. What would make this year a good year? Once you have an idea in your mind of what would make this year a good year let’s start to break it down into tangible goals.

I encourage you to set goals for the “now,” not five or ten year goals. Your business will change, pivot, and evolve, so think about what you want to accomplish this year. I try to set either monthly, quarterly, or annual goals. The method I use to set these goals is the SMART goal system. Keep in mind I’m not making some fancy colorful chart with my goals, but I am being mindful of what the SMART acronym stands for when I create my goals.

For me, this is the most important aspect of a goal. So many people say they want to make a lot of money and the words “a...

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Helpful Tips To Recruit Better Employees

Apr 11, 2023

In this day and age hiring is tough. There is no quick fix to getting the perfect team. My hope is that these few tips can help you recruit better employees.

#1 If you are going to hire someone you need to be comfortable firing someone.

Before you even think about hiring, you need to be prepared to fire someone. Reality is not every employee will work out, so you need to know how to let them go when the time comes. Prior to having my own lawn care business I worked for Little Caesars. At that time I ran a store with about 25 employees, so of course there was turnover. Some employees quit, some got fired, all the while continuing to hire new employees as needed. My job was to make the store the best it could be and personnel is a key part in that. Because of my prior experience, I knew I was comfortable firing employees. You never want to keep an employee that’s not serving your business in a positive way, so you need to be able to take the action that’s best for your...

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You Don’t Get What You Want, You Get What You Tolerate

Apr 06, 2023

Let me tell you, I know what it’s like to not have confidence. I know what it's like to not know how to price a lawn. I know what it’s like to be losing my shirt on a lawn because I priced it too low. I know what it’s like to not make price increases because of my fear of customer reactions. I have been there and I have done that! But over the years I have gained so much confidence and I want to help you get to the other side and realize your worth!

Back in the beginning of my business, I wasn't expecting much out of myself, so how could I expect anything out of my life? I was the $20 lawn guy, so how could I expect to make much of a profit? I was getting what I was demanding and at the time, that wasn’t much.

I eventually realized that I was letting my customers take advantage of me. It most certainly wasn’t intentional, but I was letting my relationship and care for them get in the way of profit. What do I mean by that? I was undervaluing myself...

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Block Scheduling, Book Ends, And Prioritization

Apr 04, 2023

As a business owner, dad, and husband there is a lot to juggle. I must maintain and grow my business, maintain family relationships, maintain friend relationships, and so much more.

Here are just a few of the many thoughts a Lawntrepreneur may experience this time of year...

Did I order those parts for the mower to be ready for spring?
I need to post the open position.
Have I finalized my lawn list for spring and reached out to customers?
Have I advertised to bring on new customers for the spring?
Oh no it's snowing... I have to put my plow on.
I was supposed to bring my daughter to music class, but now I have to plow.
I have to replace the brakes and tires on my enclosed trailer.
I need to send letters to the customers I am dropping in the spring.
I have to make it home for dinner with my wife at 5pm because I will probably be out plowing for the next two days.
I want to make sure I get something for my kid's Easter basket.
And the list goes on and on...

On Ep 478. Block Scheduling, Book...

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Forging Mental Toughness

Mar 30, 2023

Being a business owner means putting yourself out there. That can be scary no matter the capacity. You don’t have to have hundreds of thousands of subscribers or followers for it to be terrifying. You put yourself out there when you put your time, energy, and heart into mowing a lawn; that’s a scary thing. To continue putting ourselves out there we need to choose to build up our mental toughness. Being mentally tough doesn’t mean being mean or rude to others. It simply means that you don’t let others’ negativity get to you. I wish it was as easy as waking up one day and deciding to be tough, but it’s not that simple. It takes time to grow confidence in yourself and understand your worth as a business owner. 

Imposter syndrome is a very real thing and it causes your mental toughness to take a hit. Imposter syndrome is believing that you are not good enough to be in the position you are. Who are you to be owning a business? How could you...

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When Should You Go Full Time In Your Lawn Care Business?

Mar 28, 2023

When should you go full time in your lawn care business? The question everyone wants the answer to…

Unfortunately, there may never be the perfect time, but I have some tips that’ll set you up for success.

First, let me tell you a bit about my experience going from part time to full time.

When I first started mowing lawns on the side I was working for TruGreen. I would work from 6AM to 3PM for True Green and then spend the rest of the day until about 9PM at night mowing lawns for myself. As you may have heard in my podcasts or in my book, Zero to $100K, I had what I like to call my "Baywatch moment." I was working for TruGreen and across the way I saw a mowing crew and they had all the qualities that I longed for in my day to day life. Right then and there I knew I had to get into the lawn care industry for myself.

Now, my journey from part time to full time was less than ideal. When spring rolled around I went into work for TruGreen and when I got there they were...

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Top 8 Rookie Mistakes That New Business Owners Make

Mar 23, 2023

When running your own business there is plenty of opportunity for success!

There’s also plenty of opportunities to make mistakes.

Mistakes are what help us to learn and grow in our business. I am going to share the top 8 rookie mistakes I made in hopes to help you avoid them.

In no particular order:

#1 Having NO Service Plans OR Have Too Many Service Plans.

Personally, I only offer one service plan and that’s my sweet spot, but some companies may have three different offerings and that’s fine! You just don’t want to get bogged down in every customer having a different plan because that can become absolute chaos to keep track of.

#2 Don’t Let Your Customers Control YOUR Schedule.

I like to schedule solid routes for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I leave Thursday, and Friday as buffer days in case of rain or breakdowns. I also ensure to tell the customer that we mow every 6 to 8 days because routes can shift days depending on rain or breakdowns. I do not...

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Who Are You Listening To?

Mar 21, 2023

In this day and age there are hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of resources. Whether it be podcasts, YouTube videos, books, audiobooks, Facebook groups, online courses, the list goes on and on. With so much content out in the world, it's hard to know what to listen to. You need to be mindful of the content you are taking in, otherwise the content can take over you.

Let’s take a step back, why do we listen or take in content in the first place?

Well, entrepreneurship is lonely, it’s not like we are in some corporate office and can get advice from the person in the cubicle next to us. It’s easy to feel like you are on an island of your own and no one understands what you're going through. Although, it may feel that way sometimes, it simply isn’t true. That’s why there are SO many resources out there.

If you’re an entrepreneur, who are you listening to? Who is providing you with the support, inspiration, motivation, and education you need...

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Add A Little Sizzle To Your Summer! What's New July Newsletter!

Jul 05, 2020

Add A Little Sizzle To Your Summer!

Summer is heating up and the workload is bigger than ever, and that's where the new Kujo Yardwear boots come into play! These brand new boots with a safety toe are NOW AVAILABLE exclusively at!

The same great quality built into the Kujo Yardwear lawn care shoes is evident in these brand new boots designed for the serious landscaping pro!

Get yours today at and use our promo code Brians10 to save 10% off AND receive Free Shipping!
*Sizes run a little small, consider ordering a half size up!*

Adding Fuel To The Fire!

Two New Incredible Training Programs Designed To Help You GROW - Now Available At Lawntrepreneur Academy!

If you're looking to grow your business and pour gas on the fire as we go into...

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