Success Is A Planned Event

Jul 25, 2024

I wanted to share some insights from a LINK Membership call we had with the amazing Jeff Joiner a few months back. Jeff dropped some serious wisdom on us that really hit home:

Success is a planned event; you don’t become successful by accident.

This idea really hits home for me and aligns perfectly with what we strive for every day in our businesses. Let’s dive into what this means and how we all can apply it to our lawn care journeys.

1. Set Clear Goals

Success starts with a vision. What does success look like for you? Is it growing your client base, increasing revenue, or maybe achieving a better work-life balance? Whatever it is, clearly define your goals. Write them down, break them into actionable steps, and keep them in sight.

2. Plan Your Actions

Once your goals are set, it’s time to map out the actions needed to achieve them. This is where planning comes in. Outline the tasks you need to complete daily, weekly, and monthly. Make sure each step is aligned...

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The Self Employment Sin We All Make

Jul 24, 2024

Today, we're discussing the rookie mistake and self-employment sin we all make in our initial entrepreneurial journey. Too often, we are quick to judge others on how they run their businesses without realizing that perhaps they may have a better perspective on what to charge and how to grow profitably.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The importance of raising rates in your business
  • The common pitfalls of self-employment in the lawn care industry
  • Strategies for pricing your services appropriately
  • The common misconception that business owners make a lot of money
  • The impact of undercutting prices on the industry
  • The significance of knowing your numbers and charging appropriately

 Want to Listen to More Episodes About Raising Rates?

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LawnTOURpreneur Kickoff w/ Riley Murray!

Jul 22, 2024

Today we're joined by Riley Murray, owner of Riley's Lawn & Landscape in Hudsonville, MI! Riley is 18 years old and has an incredible business with almost 110 weekly clients!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Learn about Riley Murray's journey in starting and growing his lawn and landscape business
  • Understand the impact of weather conditions on lawn care businesses
  • Gain insights into the importance of organization and time management in running a successful business
  • Explore the significance of prioritizing leaders and creating careers within the business
  • Learn about the use of technology, such as Yardbook, in managing a lawn care business
  • Understand the importance of taking action and implementing lessons learned from conferences and resources like YouTube
  • Discover the value of networking with other business owners in the industry
  • Gain insights into the mindset, work ethic, and education required to succeed in the lawn care industry
  • Learn about the importance of efficiency,...
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Grassroots Success: How a 17-Year-Old Manages 12 Lawns Like a Pro!

Jul 19, 2024

Today, we're joined by Kadin Thompson of Edwardsville, IL, who shares his entrepreneurial journey as a landscaper and lawn pro. Listen in as Kadin talks about the evolution of his landscaping business, his equipment, and how he manages to work part-time while mowing a dozen lawns of his own.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Kadin's journey as a young entrepreneur in the lawn care and landscaping industry
  • How Kadin started his business by mowing lawns for family and friends
  • The equipment and tools he uses for his business, including Ferris and Honda mowers, Stihl trimmers, and a trailer
  • Kadin's approach to balancing his lawn care business with his part-time job at a car dealership
  • The importance of staying organized and using tools like Invoice Maker for invoicing
  • His plans for the future, including expanding his business, owning real estate properties, and potentially pursuing a career in sales or trade
  • The influence of Kadin's family, especially his grandpa, on his work ethic...
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Building An Offensive Marketing Strategy For Summer & Fall w/ Branded Bull!

Jul 17, 2024

Today, we're joined by Adam Fullerton, Co-Founder of Branded Bull, who has some exciting announcements in the works! Listen in as Adam briefly discusses the importance of an offensive marketing strategy this summer and also reveals the big news about a new weekly podcast of their own that launched today.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Overview of the services offered by Branded Bull
  • Importance of marketing and branding for business growth
  • Announcement of the launch of the Branded Bull Podcast
  • Topics covered in the podcast episodes, such as SEO, Google business profile, website audits, and more
  • Free resources available, including logo and website audit guides
  • Encouragement to reach out to Branded Bull for marketing and branding assistance
  • Information about upcoming events and appearances by Branded Bull

 Want to Listen to More Episodes With Brian & Adam?

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Attempted Assassination Of Trump, What Can We Learn?

Jul 15, 2024

Today, we're talking about what could be the wildest and most extreme political act of my entire lifetime. Sunday evening, Donald J Trump was shot by a gunman in an attempted assassination. What can we learn about this event, the dialogue leading up to it, and the impact our words have in the marketplace?

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The episode discusses the assassination attempt on former president Donald J. Trump
  • Brian shares his thoughts on the current political climate and the use of divisive language
  • The importance of being mindful of the words we use and their impact on others
  • Brian reflects on the negativity and toxicity present in online interactions
  • Encouragement to lead with compassion, love, and understanding
  • A call for unity and healing in the country
  • The analogy of light overcoming darkness and the importance of being a positive influence
  • Emphasis on the need for respectful discourse and finding common ground
  • A reminder to pray for political leaders and to...
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Things Change, Because They Have To

Jul 12, 2024

Today, I'm joined by my amazing wife, Liz, as we discuss the real conversations we're having inside of our business and how they affect company growth. What we've done in the past may not be the same as what we're doing today, and what we may do today doesn't mean how it will always be done in the future.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Importance of training and educating employees for long-term success
  • The significance of leadership in a company's growth and development
  • Creating a positive company culture through communication and transparency
  • Balancing work responsibilities with personal life and family commitments
  • Addressing challenges in managing a team and setting expectations for employees
  • Emphasizing the value of teaching and empowering employees to grow within the company
  • Demonstrating the impact of effective leadership on team dynamics and productivity
  • Encouraging continuous learning and skill development for both employees and leaders
  • Highlighting the role of...
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Growth Update, Where We’re At As A Company

Jul 10, 2024

Today, we’re sharing where we’re at as a growing landscape company and the challenges we face through this process! Liz and I share candidly about revenue growth, future shop purchases, and a little of everything in between.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The benefits of bringing salting in-house for a landscaping business
  • The potential revenue and profit increase from bringing salting in-house
  • The importance of strategic planning and due diligence in business decisions
  • Challenges and considerations when looking for a shop or building for a growing company
  • The impact of economies of scale on profitability in a landscaping business
  • The experience of building a house and the time and budget challenges faced
  • The desire to focus on business growth and expansion after completing the house project

 Want to Listen to More Episodes With Brian & Liz?

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2 Must-Attend Events This Fall!

Jul 08, 2024

Today, we're sharing about two must-attend events this fall: Lawntrepreneur Academy LIVE 2024 and Equip Expo! These two industry events are the best for equipment shopping and peer-led education.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Information about Lawntrepreneur Academy Live 2024
  • Details about the event location, date, and speakers
  • Benefits of attending LAL for lawn care professionals
  • Overview of the Equip Expo 2024
  • Importance of attending industry events for networking and growth opportunities

 Want to Listen to More Episodes About LAL and Equip Expo?

Links Mentioned In The Episode:

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Are You Profitable? Real Talk!

Jul 01, 2024

Today, we're discussing whether or not we're running profitable businesses and what we can do to ensure that we are. Whether you run LMN or another software, I highly encourage you to dial in your numbers so you're certain you are!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Importance of knowing your numbers and pricing in the lawn and landscaping business
  • Discussion on the use of CRM systems like LMN for better business management
  • Emphasis on understanding profitability and making informed decisions
  • Challenges and importance of focusing on profitability in the industry
  • Encouragement to prioritize understanding financials and profitability in business operations
  • Recommendations to seek resources and tools like LMN and Cycle CPA for financial management
  • Personal insights and experiences on improving profitability in his own business
  • Call to action to start paying attention to financials and profitability in business operations
  • Reminder of the challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship and...
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