Mastering The Snow Business & Flat Rate Pricing Part 1

Aug 08, 2023

Entering the snow business can be like stepping into a whole new world. There's a lot to grasp, and not all of it is as straightforward as it seems. As lawn care business owners, you know the importance of mastering your craft, and the snow game is no different. When you embark on the snow business journey, remember that investing time, money, and energy into education is a non-negotiable.

In today's world, you have many choices when it comes to learning avenues. You can opt for courses, such as those offered by Lawntrepreneur Academy, designed to equip you with practical insights and strategies. Industry events like EQUIP and LAL provide valuable networking opportunities and a chance to learn from the best in the business. And let's not underestimate the power of connecting with fellow professionals who've been where you are.

Speaking of learning from the pros, let me share how my good friend Mike Bedell became my snow mentor. Imagine hours spent over dinner, absorbing his wisdom...

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Embrace A Growth Mindset

Aug 03, 2023

Today, we're going to explore how adopting a growth mindset can propel your lawn care venture forward, helping you overcome obstacles, embrace continuous learning, and adapt to industry changes.

What is a growth mindset, you ask? It's the belief that your abilities and intelligence can be developed and improved through dedication, effort, and a willingness to learn. With a growth mindset, you embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, view failures as stepping stones to success, and celebrate the success of others as inspiration for your own journey.

So, why is a growth mindset essential for success in the lawn care industry?

In the ever-evolving lawn care industry, challenges are bound to arise. But with a growth mindset, challenges become stepping stones to greatness. Instead of avoiding or fearing them, embrace them as opportunities for growth and improvement. Seek out new techniques, embrace innovative solutions, and challenge the status quo. By seeing challenges as a...

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Who Wins When You Succeed?

Aug 01, 2023

As a lawntrepreneur, your ultimate goal is success. But have you ever stopped to consider who truly benefits when your business thrives? In this blog post, we will explore who wins when your lawn care business succeeds. From your clients to your employees and even the broader community, success has a far-reaching impact. Let's dive into the reasons why everyone stands to gain when you achieve excellence in your business.

1. Satisfied Customers: The Bedrock of Success

At the core of any successful lawn care business are satisfied customers. When you provide exceptional services, your clients' yards transform into picturesque landscapes that bring joy and relaxation to homeowners and businesses alike. Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal patrons, entrusting their lawn care needs to your company season after season. A solid base of happy customers also translates to positive word-of-mouth referrals, helping you expand your clientele and establish your business as a...

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15 Traits That Separate Employees & Entrepreneurs In A Lawn Care Business Part 2

Jul 27, 2023

In the dynamic world of lawn care, the roles of employees and entrepreneurs play a vital part in shaping the success of a business. As a lawn care business owner, understanding the unique characteristics that set employees and entrepreneurs apart is essential for building a harmonious and thriving team. In this blog post, we will continue to explore the key differences between employees and entrepreneurs and how finding a balance between their contrasting traits can lead to a successful and efficient lawn care business.

Rules and Creativity:
One of the fundamental distinctions between employees and entrepreneurs lies in their approach to rules and creativity. While entrepreneurs are known to break the rules to pave new paths and drive innovation, employees are required to follow the rules to ensure the company's mission is accomplished efficiently and effectively. However, encouraging employees to think creatively within the established framework can lead to fresh ideas and enhanced...

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15 Traits That Separate Employees & Entrepreneurs In A Lawn Care Business Part 1

Jul 25, 2023

In the world of lawn care, the roles of employees and entrepreneurs stand in stark contrast to each other. In this blog post, we will delve into the unique characteristics that set employees and entrepreneurs apart, and how it relates to the lawn care industry.

Seeking Direction vs. Making the Path:
In the lawn care business, employees seek clear direction to carry out their designated tasks effectively. As business owners, entrepreneurs bear the responsibility of creating and implementing standard operating procedures (SOPs) that serve as the guiding light for their employees. Providing a well-defined roadmap empowers employees to excel within a narrow range of tasks, ultimately contributing to the overall success of the company.

Doing vs. Listening:
While employees are hands-on doers, entrepreneurs recognize the value of active listening. Being attuned to what is happening both inside and outside of the company in order to gauge the pulse of the business and its financials...

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Cracking The Code To Profitability

Jul 20, 2023

As a lawn care business owner, you understand the importance of hard work and dedication. In the early stages, you may have found yourself working tirelessly, handling every task to ensure your business thrives. However, as your company grows, it becomes essential to adopt a more strategic approach to maximize revenue and create a healthy work-life balance. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by hiring competent employees who can share the workload, increase productivity, and elevate your business to new heights. I know hiring can be scary, so we will not only address why hiring is essential to grow your business, but what you can do to face your fears about hiring.

1. Trade Labor for Increased Revenue:
As an owner-operator, you might feel inclined to take on all tasks to save money. However, this approach can be a recipe for long-term disaster. Working yourself to the bone can lead to burnout, a lack of family time, and jeopardize your overall health. Instead of...

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People Are In Your Life For A Season For A Reason

Jul 18, 2023

Today, let's chat about something that's been on my mind—the way people come and go in our lives. While it can be challenging to bid farewell to someone, it's essential to recognize that these seasonal relationships serve a purpose. Sometimes relationships end on a sour note, but other times it's for the best. I want to share my take on why it's perfectly okay to say goodbye when the time is right because people are in your life for a season for a reason.

Just like the grass grows and withers, people enter our lives for a reason. Some folks are there to teach us important lessons or lend a hand when times get tough. Others bring laughter and joy, leaving us with unforgettable memories. It's crucial to appreciate the unique role each person plays in our lives, even if they're not around forever.

You know how we trim and remove dead plants to keep our lawns healthy and vibrant? Well, sometimes we need to do the same with relationships. Holding onto toxic or stagnant connections...

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Community Roots: Cultivating Connections at the Lawntrepreneur Academy Conference

Jul 13, 2023

Did you hear?!

Lawntrepreneur Academy Live 2023 tickets are on sale NOW! Join us for the largest industry training event of the year. Come to Novi Michigan on Saturday, November 11th to participate in an amazing event where you can learn from industry experts, catch up with old friends and make some new ones.

If you’re wondering what Lawntrepreneur Academy Live is, well let me tell you!

This will be our 5th year hosting the event and I cannot wait! We kick off the weekend on Friday by getting together for a few hours at HUB Stadium. There we will hang out, grab some good food and have a good time. It’s a great opportunity to hangout with like minded individuals and make new friends in the industry. Although we all work in different parts of the country, our day to day isn’t all that different. You’ll be sure to find your people and connect with like minded, success driven business owners.

The main event is on Saturday at the Suburban Collection Showplace....

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Top 10 Commercial Bidding Tips That Every Lawn Care Contractor Should Know

Jul 11, 2023

As a lawn care business owner, winning commercial bids is crucial for the growth and success of my company. The bidding process can be competitive, so to help you stand out from the crowd and secure profitable contracts, I've compiled a list of the top 10 commercial bidding tips that every lawn care contractor should know. Implementing these strategies can increase your chances of winning bids and establishing long-term relationships with commercial clients.

1. How to Get to the Decision Maker
When submitting bids, it's essential to reach the decision maker directly. Sometimes the office manager or whoever you are able to talk to isn't able to share the decision maker’s contact info. If that is the case, make sure to leave your email as a way for them to contact you. Often in the corporate world people are making contact and decisions via email, not over the phone, so it is crucial to leave an email contact for them to reach out to you. Keep your initial contact concise and...

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Revive and Thrive: Avoid Burnout & Cultivate Success in Your Lawn Care Business

Jul 06, 2023

Running a lawn care business is no easy task. As a business owner, you find yourself wearing multiple hats, juggling various responsibilities such as sales, administration, customer service, bookkeeping, mowing, and trimming. Until your business grows to the point where you can hire help, you are the one handling it all. This can quickly become exhausting and lead to burnout. However, through my own experiences, I have learned that focusing on the tasks I enjoy is crucial to preventing burnout and achieving success. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of prioritizing your time and energy on the aspects of your lawn care business that you love.

In the early stages of your lawn care business, it's inevitable that you will have to take on numerous responsibilities. This can be overwhelming, as you are constantly juggling different tasks and trying to excel in each one. However, it's important to remember that this is a temporary phase and that growth is possible....

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