Top 10 Commercial Bidding Tips That Every Lawn Care Contractor Should Know

Jul 11, 2023

As a lawn care business owner, winning commercial bids is crucial for the growth and success of my company. The bidding process can be competitive, so to help you stand out from the crowd and secure profitable contracts, I've compiled a list of the top 10 commercial bidding tips that every lawn care contractor should know. Implementing these strategies can increase your chances of winning bids and establishing long-term relationships with commercial clients.

1. How to Get to the Decision Maker
When submitting bids, it's essential to reach the decision maker directly. Sometimes the office manager or whoever you are able to talk to isn't able to share the decision maker’s contact info. If that is the case, make sure to leave your email as a way for them to contact you. Often in the corporate world people are making contact and decisions via email, not over the phone, so it is crucial to leave an email contact for them to reach out to you. Keep your initial contact concise and professional, allowing your bid to speak for itself. Remember, in this case, less talking is more.

2. Be Aware of Property Conditions
Before submitting a bid, thoroughly assess the property. Pay attention to any signs of neglect or dilapidation, as they may indicate additional work or challenges that need to be considered. A site visit is vital to understand the scope of the project accurately and provide an accurate estimate.

3. Walk the Property
While online tools like Google Earth can provide a general overview, they may not capture the details necessary for an accurate bid. Take the time to physically walk the property, noting any specific requirements, such as uneven terrain, potential obstacles, or areas requiring extra attention. This firsthand assessment will enable you to create a more precise and tailored bid.

4. Identify Troubled Areas
During your property walk-through, be attentive to troubled areas that may require additional services. Look for signs of fencing, concrete barriers, high traffic, excessive trash, or overgrown shrubs. Identifying such areas allows you to offer supplementary services like trash pickup or specialized landscaping, demonstrating your commitment to comprehensive care. Also keep in mind that if there is an excess of trash, and you don’t offer trash pick up, then it might not be the property for you, and it’ll be time to move on to the next one.

5. Observe and Report on Unusual Features
Unusual or unique features on the property can significantly impact the maintenance requirements and costs. Take note of any irregularities, such as intricate landscaping, fragile plantings, or delicate structures. Mentioning these features in your bid shows attention to detail and your willingness to address specific needs.

6. Don't Be Afraid to Upsell
While creating your bid, don't limit yourself to the basic services requested. If you identify areas that could benefit from additional attention or improvements, seize the opportunity to upsell your services. Offer suggestions for enhancements, such as suggesting landscape improvements that align with the client's goals.

7. Use a Quality Contract
A well-crafted contract is essential for protecting your business interests. Ensure your bid includes a comprehensive and professional contract that clearly outlines the services to be provided, payment terms, responsibilities, and expectations. Seek legal advice if necessary to ensure your contract is fair, enforceable, and protects both parties involved.

8. Negotiate Favorable Terms
When possible, negotiate favorable terms that benefit your business. For example, consider requesting a net 30 payment arrangement to maintain healthy cash flow. Negotiations should be fair and aim to establish a mutually beneficial partnership with your clients.

9. Double-Check Your Numbers
Accuracy is crucial when preparing a bid. Double-check all the calculations and estimates to ensure they are correct. However, be careful not to overthink the process and get caught up in excessive analysis. Strike a balance between accuracy and efficiency to avoid delays and missed opportunities.

10. Respond Promptly
In the competitive bidding landscape, responsiveness is key. Aim to provide a prompt response within 24 hours of receiving a bid request. Promptness demonstrates professionalism, commitment, and a sense of urgency, leaving a positive impression on potential clients.

Successfully bidding on commercial contracts is a vital skill for lawn care business owners. By following these top 10 bidding tips, you can enhance your chances of securing profitable contracts and building long-term relationships with commercial clients. Remember, each bid is an opportunity to showcase your expertise, attention to detail, and commitment to exceptional service. Implement these strategies, stay proactive, and watch your business flourish in the competitive commercial market.

Other Commercial Bid Resources:


HOW To Bid A COMMERCIAL Client! Breaking Down The Numbers!

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