Mastering The Snow Business & Flat Rate Pricing Part 1

Aug 08, 2023

Entering the snow business can be like stepping into a whole new world. There's a lot to grasp, and not all of it is as straightforward as it seems. As lawn care business owners, you know the importance of mastering your craft, and the snow game is no different. When you embark on the snow business journey, remember that investing time, money, and energy into education is a non-negotiable.

In today's world, you have many choices when it comes to learning avenues. You can opt for courses, such as those offered by Lawntrepreneur Academy, designed to equip you with practical insights and strategies. Industry events like EQUIP and LAL provide valuable networking opportunities and a chance to learn from the best in the business. And let's not underestimate the power of connecting with fellow professionals who've been where you are.

Speaking of learning from the pros, let me share how my good friend Mike Bedell became my snow mentor. Imagine hours spent over dinner, absorbing his wisdom about not only the business side but also the intricate logistics of plowing. I'd happily treat him to as many steak dinners as he wanted as it was a fair exchange – his expertise for my gratitude. To this day, Mike and I remain strong friends, reaching out to each other for advice, as a sounding board, or simply to catch up.

So, when you're on the path of education, don't take shortcuts. Dive in with enthusiasm, dedicating your time and energy to mastering your new craft.

Now, let's switch gears to plowing accounts – oh, the lessons I've learned! Trust me, finding your pricing sweet spot takes time. Remember my first year with a snow blower? I charged a mere $129 for the whole season. I know, sounds like a deal too good to pass up, right? Well, it was a disaster. With the wrong equipment and insufficient pricing, my efforts crumbled.

But let's fast forward to 2022, we quoted $649 for residential seasonal prepay. Keep in mind it's not just about the money; it's the convenience and peace of mind it offers. Think about it: unlimited pushes, including driveways and sidewalks, all bundled up in one package. Ice melt and salt aren't included, so that can be additional income, but the predictability of the prepay income alone makes it worthwhile. I don't worry about whether the snow will fall; I know I've got a steady stream of revenue to support my team. Some customers might balk at the idea of prepay, but I liken it to car insurance. You pay to be covered when you need it, and if you don't need it, there's no refund. It's a fair deal, and it ensures I'm there when the snow arrives. Crunch the numbers, and you'll find that per-push and prepay aren't worlds apart.

Now, remember, these insights lean heavily towards residential contracts. Our strategy for commercial commercial contracts differ a bit, but we will cover that in Thursday’s post. Ultimately, whether you lean towards per-push or prepay depends on your circumstances and your location. The bottom line? Don't underestimate the power of education. Reach out, network, tap into the wisdom of those who've walked your path. Trust me, you're not alone in this. The lawn care community is an amazing resource of remarkable individuals. At the end of the day, we're all in this together, aiming to lift each other up and celebrate collective success. Because, my friends, remember who wins when you succeed.

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