Making BIG MONEY In Leaf Cleanups!

Aug 17, 2023

As a lawn care business owner, you understand the importance of diversifying your services to maximize your revenue streams. One often overlooked but highly lucrative avenue is leaf cleanups. With the right approach and strategies, you can turn this seasonal task into a major source of income for your business. Let’s look into the key insights to help you make big money in leaf cleanups.

1. Don't Underestimate the Power of Added Services

Expanding your service offerings can significantly boost your business's bottom line. Leaf cleanups present a prime opportunity to capitalize on the changing seasons. While you might already have a reliable customer base for lawn mowing and maintenance, introducing spring and fall cleanups can attract new clients and increase your revenue from existing ones.

2. Price Your Services Strategically

Determining the right pricing structure is critical for success in leaf cleanups. A transparent and competitive pricing strategy will set you apart in the market and build trust with your clients. Personally, I charge $175 per hour for a two man team. Most of our subdivision cleanups are 1.5 to 2 hours. Keep in mind, if you have a three man team you should charge for the additional person. I would suggest at very minimum you should be charging $50 per hour for an additional person, if not $75 per hour per additional person.

Another consideration should be a minimum, most of us have minimum mowing prices, a price to drop our gate, you should have the same for leaf cleanups. Lastly, do not forget to charge for haul away. We charge somewhere from $35 to $45 per yard to haul away leaves. If you don’t charge for haul away you could eat into the entirety of your profits and end up losing on a job.

Transparency is crucial in order to manage client expectations. Leaf cleanups are not cheap and it doesn’t include everything so having the conversations with the customer of what’s included and what isn’t will reduce pushback.

3. Tap into Seasonal Opportunities

Leaf cleanups don’t have to be a one-time affair. Capitalize on the opportunity to offer weekly cleanups throughout October and November. Consider pricing these services at two to three times your weekly mow rate. This approach not only keeps your team busy during the fall months but also generates significant revenue.

4. Know Your Limits

While leaf cleanups can be profitable, it's essential to strike a balance between taking on work and ensuring your team's capacity to complete it efficiently. Avoid overcommitting and getting overwhelmed by massive cleanup jobs. Sometimes, it's better to decline a job than to risk tarnishing your reputation due to incomplete or subpar work. You may also find that taking on the bigger leaf cleanups will eat into your profit margins.

5. Focus on the Small Jobs for Big Money

While larger cleanups might seem like the golden opportunity for big earnings, don't overlook the potential in smaller jobs. Accumulate several smaller projects, as they can be completed more quickly and efficiently, resulting in increased profits over time.

In conclusion, integrating leaf cleanups into your service offerings can lead to substantial revenue growth for your lawn care business. By strategically pricing your services, and taking advantage of seasonal opportunities, you can make big money in the leaf cleanup industry. Remember, quality work, transparent pricing, and customer satisfaction will be the cornerstones of your success in this endeavor.


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