Dealing With Spring Overload

Apr 27, 2023

With spring comes craziness. Of course, we all have plans, but weather or man power might derail them. This past week I wanted to work four ten-hour days, but did that happen? No, because we were fighting the weather and were down a crew member.

This time of year we are all in the same boat. We have lots of work to accomplish and very little time to do it. When things happen like having an employee out, or rain, or snow, it’s easy to get frustrated, but don’t let the frustration take over. We have to remember to be thankful that nothing catastrophic has happened.

For all of you that think I’m Mr. Positivity, it really comes down to not having a choice. I suppose I could be angry and upset that it’s raining or that I’m down a guy, but how will that serve me? How would that serve my team, or my family? It doesn’t, so I choose to laugh my way through it. Sometimes we laugh because if we don’t, we’ll cry. I’m here to tell you, we all know what that’s like. What’s that saying... laugh at life before life laughs at you. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely have my moments where I am tired and short-tempered, but I try to remember that every day is a new day and the work has to get done, so might as well power through and put some positivity out into the world.

The spring rush will pass, and it will be okay. That’s not to say it won’t be hard, but it will get easier. My plan was to have a four-day work week, but it turned out to be one fourteen-hour day, then a day off due to rain, then a twelve-hour day to play catch up then off again. It just goes to show, things won’t always go to plan.

It can be a trying time and a hard season, but I am so thankful to be working. I remember when I didn’t have enough work, so to have enough work to not only keep me busy, but to support my family and my crew, that’s an amazing accomplishment. We have to remember what we are truly thankful for in these trying times. Remember this season won’t last forever, so stick to your plan the best you can, and keep up the momentum and move forward.


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