A Case For Self Employment, The Choice Is Yours

Jun 01, 2023

In today's world, an increasing number of people are drawn towards entrepreneurship. Everyone has their own reasons for wanting to be self-employed, but let's explore eight common motivations behind individuals leaving their 9-to-5 jobs to start their own businesses.

1.) Seeking Greater Control of Financial Future:
Even if you climb the corporate ladder and reach the top in a traditional job, there will still be limitations on your earning potential. Consider the years and effort you would have to invest in building someone else's dream in order to ascend. What if your current position lacks growth potential? You could find yourself feeling trapped. Regardless of how skilled you are, your pay may not reflect the effort and dedication you pour into your job.

2.) Desiring More Reward for Hard Work:
Many employees invest significant amounts of effort, sacrificing family events, time with their children, and leisure time. But what do they ultimately gain from all that extra effort and missed moments? A slightly higher paycheck? By channeling that same dedication and overtime into your own business rather than someone else's, you get to keep the profits. You'll witness the satisfaction of your customers and experience personal and professional growth.

3.) Embracing Flexibility:
Running your own business grants you the freedom and flexibility that may not be possible in a traditional job. While not everyone can drop everything and embark on a two-week vacation, particularly owner-operators, you can still adjust your workday by starting a couple of hours later if your child is sick, or leaving early for a dance recital or dentist appointment. You are in charge, which means you set the rules. There's no need to call in sick and lose pay or exhaust all your allocated sick days.

4.) Choosing Your Team:
When you have your own business, you can build a team based on a set of core values. You'll have the opportunity to attract team members who share the same beliefs and values as your business.

5.) Embracing Variety:
While it can be argued that some days may be similar, especially if you primarily focus on lawn maintenance, unexpected events can occur daily. You might receive a call from a new client, lose a client, have a positive interaction with an employee, or experience equipment breakdowns. Some days, you may not go out mowing because you need to restock supplies or work on back-end tasks. So although the job appears repetitive, there is still a certain level of variety in your daily routine.

6.) Pursuing Your Passion:
Chances are, when you work as an employee for someone else, you may not be following your passion. By starting your own business, you can dedicate all your time, money, and energy to building your dream and achieving your own goals, rather than someone else's.

7.) Providing Solutions:
As an employee, you often play a small part in a larger machine, contributing to a solution that may or may not directly impact the consumer. In your own business, you have the ability to help people directly and find solutions to their problems.

8.) Retaining Intellectual Property:
It's easy to overlook the ideas and improvements you contribute to your job on a daily basis. You may even create products or resources that your company relies on regularly. However, these intellectual properties no longer belong to you because you work for them. When you work for yourself, you retain ownership of every piece of work you produce.

Ultimately, the decision to pursue self-employment or remain an employee is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer. What truly matters is what best fits your desired lifestyle. Entrepreneurship is not easy, but it is undeniably rewarding. Once I transitioned to full-time entrepreneurship, I never looked back. Don't be afraid to start with a side hustle and gradually prepare yourself before fully diving in. Once you're there, you'll find a supportive community ready to help you succeed.


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